Monday, November 3, 2008 - Useful Photoshop Tutorials.

While surfing the web via StumbleUpon, I "stumbled" across this little website called While the name isn't quite to my personal liking, its tutorials are quite detailed and right on the mark. Its great because I am not that skilled at Photoshop (I can do some stuff, but not without direction), but with Phong, I don't have to be! Flash tutorials are also offered on Phong, and while I am not a big fan of Flash, some people do know how to use it in the right context! With the rise of AJAX, it gets harder and harder to tolerate Flash, but until that time, check out for cool PS tutorials!

..and with the release of Adobe Photoshop CS4, what better way to celebrate than to use your (purchased) edition of CS4 and make some sweet graphics!

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